My name’s Hailey

12 years ago I had an idea for an app called Thursday.
It enabled friends to share location data, favorite restaurants and bars, meet up, and stay connected. It was a bit like Foursquare.
I teamed up with a developer, built the app, and even pitched at South by Southwest. We got some buzz, and lo and behold, a few users!
Unfortunately, we never got further than that.
Within 6 months, Thursday fizzled out. We made exactly $0.
From that experience, I realized one critical thing:
You can have a great idea and an incredible team, but if you don’t have customers, you don’t have anything worth much at all.
And the silver lining of my failed app experience was this: I realized I wanted to do only one thing with my career — learn how to acquire customers.
So I looked for a job in startup marketing.
A hundred calls and Skype interviews later I got a job offer from a guy named Mark Spera. Mark was the Head of Marketing for a 25 person startup in San Francisco.
So I hopped on a plane and moved to the west coast all by myself.
That’s when I met Mark

Mark and I became hugely successful together. We built that 25 person startup to $14 million in revenue and a $200 million valuation.
From the outside, everything looked great with Mark. He was succeeding professionally and was living in his favorite city with some of his best friends.
But behind the scenes, he was struggling. He was drinking too much, hiding from social stuff, and never felt well.
From his account, life sucked.
Then, one day it all came to a head. Mark had a panic attack. He left work and I didn’t see him for two days.
At first he ignored it, but they started happening more and more… daily even. He didn’t tell anyone.
After grinning and bearing it for two years, he finally got help.
Mark went on medication and began seeing a therapist for the first time in his life.
Things finally started changing. And there was a big silver lining.
Through the process of getting better Mark learned one important lesson. That lesson is the one that’s guided us ever since.
And that lesson is simple as can be:
JUST DO IT (sorry Nike, don’t sue us).
You can sit on the sidelines and wonder “what if,” or you can take action and change your life.
So when I bought the domain and asked Mark if he wanted to start a business with me, there was only one thing he could say.
And then we met Adam

Growth Marketing Pro started doing well… great even. We grew it from a 6-figure revenue affiliate business to a 7-figure revenue agency in just a few years.
But it wasn’t without challenges. We worked with venture-backed tech companies — companies with lofty growth goals that required tons of specialized attention.
Our promise to clients was always to be the #1 growth marketing agency — the absolute best. No compromises.
Growing our people and processes required a different set of skills.
Mark and I were growth marketers, not operators.
So in the spirit of JUST DO IT, we tapped the best operational leader we knew to join as a third cofounder.
Adam joined us in early 2024.
Now the three of us have one goal: to be the best growth marketing agency the world has ever seen.
We know that’s lofty, but we truly believe we can deliver on it — and we have so far.
Oh, by the way, we hired a few other elite marketers along the way…

We Practically Invented Growth Marketing
Our clients rank on page 1 of Google for some of the most competitive keywords on earth, and we help them crush the PPC algorithms.
What would it mean if you had GMP Agency managing your SEO and PPC?